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Frequently ASKED Questions (FAQ)

Are you gathering signatures?

No, we currently have no active initiatives.


What is Calexit?

"Calexit" or "#Calexit" is a broader umbrella term for organizations that are promoting California secession. The CFC is an independent organization with no formal ties to any other Calexit organization.


What does the CFC do?

The CFC, through research, outreach, marketing and lobbying, is attempting to ensure the proper voting rights for all Californians. We support efforts to ensure California's unique culture and diversity thrives. We stand up for Californian's if and when they are threatened by external political forces.


What and Who is the CFC?

The CFC is two entities: a non-profit and a social welfare organization. There are two separate Board of Directors. We are an all-volunteer organization and currently have no paid positions.


Why do you need money?

Building an organization to help Californian's re-gain their voting rights takes technology, advertising, outreach, materials, etc. We are not for profit and currently 100% of our donations go to funding the organization (not salaries).


Who is the CFC?

The CFC was started by Californians for Californians. All of our volunteers have a deep connection to California and live its values.


Who do you take donations from?

We will take money from individual donors, businesses or other groups as allowed by law. We will never accept money from foreign sources. All non-California donations from the US will be individually reviewed by the board of directors.


How can I help?

Join us on Facebook. Send us an email. Sign up to become a member.


Are you calling for a Constitutional Convention?

The CFC is not. Check our Endorsements page to see other organizations, bills and petitions that we endorse.

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